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Archived Messages - Page 2 |
Commentsi like your site amber.s age,7
CommentsI got here because I was looking up different names.Anyways your site is awsome!Keep up the good work!
Commentshi DeeDee! I went to your site by mistake! Anyway I love your pictures and congrd. on your success! Hope you prosper in all you do!!!
CommentsHi Dee Dee! You look great!
CommentsHi DEEDEE I was just trying different words and came up with this site. Its great and i love the colors. I also checked out your guest book and thought it was pretty cool to see all the deedees. I am from Mantoba, Canada. I have had the nickname deedee since i was born. Keep up the fantastic work and i will be back for sure to see updates. I was wondering if it is possible to set up an email account at deedee.com. Take care. from: yet another deedee
Commentsi was just trying different things to search for and thought id try "our"name. Ive had the nickname deedee since i was born and im now 36 and still get called by that name. I live in Manitoba, Canada. I checked out your guest book and started to think that maybe we should have a DEEDEE convention or something. Great site. I will be back. Take care and keep up the great work! Deedee
CommentsI really like your web site....i am from iceland and working on my own web site... bye
Commentslong time no see deedee.whas up?!?!?!?!!?well toodles
Commentsummm ... I know you don't know me but i would like you to know that you homepage was pretty neat!!! I got here by accident. I was typing in things on the browser window to see where i would end up and when I typed in deedee.com it brought me here. Sorry if this caused any inconvinience.
CommentsWell among your groups, I find that Smita is one hell of a women. Send her my regards ok... Thanks, Glenn ( Malaysia )
Commentsdeedee i loveyou but not your brother the shot one.
Commentsdeedee your the best.I love you gril.
CommentsMy name is DeeDee too! Kewl Beenz! I am 19 and a sophmore in college...nifty page!
CommentsJust stopped by and wanted to let you know I really want your boyfriend. He's the hottest. I am a white single male, 6'3" 210 lbs. I live in chicago. I will take care of him if he ever comes here.
CommentsHi, Very nice to see the photos. U r a good looking smart girl. Also nice to find u r expert in web pages. The design is nice, I m working in the area of Java, Javascript, HTML, DHTML, JDBC, ASP etc.... Yet i want to keep in touch with u. I m working as a software engineer at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India. Lalatendu
CommentsHi My Names Denise But Everyone Calls Me Deedee So I Wanted To See If There Was A Website With My Name And There Was!!!
CommentsHi DeeDee Just another visit from one of your "sisters" I was just checking out domaines for my website but you got here first. Kinda funny I even got the same dog as you. It's a bitch and her name is Bijou (french for jewelry)and she is the most loving dog in the world. Good Luck in the future Love from a DeeDee in Denmark
Commentsgreat page !!!!!!!!!! how can u make all that?
CommentsHey u have a really kewl website!!!!!!! I have the same name!!!! Keep working on it!!!!
Commentsis jason your boyfriend or like your best friend...he is soooooooooo fineeeeeeeee...your site is cool..i have a sister named dee-dee so i typed it in...give j a kissie 4 me:o)~
Commentsis Jason your man i think your hot and spicy I live in Chicago please e mail me so we can chat :P
Commentssuper boyfriend jason
CommentsJust was surfing the net trying to explain how it works to my mom and found your page. It's got alot of style. Well if you program JAVA I might have a question for you, drop me a line any time. P.S. Your pretty cute.
CommentsHey DeeDee.... This is a cool site...It would b better if I knew u....I was just typing in ne thing to see if they were real/interesting websites and I came across ur homepage....it's really cool.
CommentsYou've got a nice web site. The reason why I typed in www.deedee.com is because such a website was featured in a murder mystery I saw on A&E recently. So I just had to check it out. Keep up the nice web site.
Commentshello. I am a 27 year old Chinese man in Beijing. Are you a Chinese? Where are you in?
CommentsCute Site :)
CommentsYou got a really cool page. I dont know how I got here but you are your friends looked like ya'll had fun chillin. Youre pretty too by the way. See ya.
Commentshey!! wow, i didnt know there were so many deedee's in the world!! whats your real name? mine is deanna. well write me back, i love to chat to peeps!!
Commentsdear dee dee, i was just "surfing" the net and i found your web page thing.even though i don't know who the people are i still think you did a great job!arby and bun are soo cute(especially bun!)
CommentsHi my name is Stephanie Casimir. I'm 10 years old and 5foot6 .(everyone calls me Stevie or Steffie .I thought your website was was very nice and fun . My sisters name is Dee Dee too and she thought the picture was supposed to be of her and she said " Thats not me! I don't look like that!"You can e-mail me anytime at sbaby2003@hotmail.com or babyface540@hotmail.com. Well,bye . Stephanie Casimir
CommentsI was just web surfing at work and I came across this web site that has my name on it. I was just amazed that I found the name DeeDee.com. I know this is stupid,but I just wanted to drop you a few lines and say that this is a really nice web site. Keep up the good work!
CommentsYou are a good friend but not as much as I am to you.
Commentsgood lookig site [please visit my site's : http://crash.to/themoon - www.clubbox.com - www.vleddertje.com ]
CommentsHello, I'm unfortunately not a former class-mate of yours, just wanted to say that your web-site is really nice and has a great design! :-) Greetings from Sweden, Henrik PS I got here by searching for "I've never been to me" by Charlene on www.metacrawler.com, funny huh? :-)
Commentsmy name is deedee too! what is your real name? mine is Dawn! how old are you? email me back! Aerostar1_@excite.com
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I am a Dee Dee too.. by nickname.. It's a great name that introduces you to very nice people. Great website. Have fun with it. Dee Dee
CommentsHi my nane is Dee dee, I was shocked to see that someone had the same name as me. I live in Abbotsford B.C. Canada.
Commentsu have a good website my nickname is dee-dee
CommentsTheis is so cool i was dored and typed in my grandmoms nane dee dee when she saw this it made her day thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
CommentsYep..another DeeDee. I was just checking to see if someone had a website with my name. My real name is Deatria. Now you know why I've had this nickname since birth. No one can pronounce my real name. You did a great job on your website. Good Luck with Jason..
Commentsyour name is dee dee.
CommentsI want to sgin the e-mail account!!Can i?
Commentsi just wanted to see if their was something on the internet with my name on it thats all.
CommentsHi!! I think that your web site is really cool..!!!
CommentsHello, I just thought it was kind of cool to find someone with the same name. Bye Bye Twin, DeeDee
Commentsi like your sit it cool
CommentsI design my own web-pages just for fun. I accidentally ran across your site. I love your web-site structure. I wish I could learn how to make them as good as the designer of this page. It really looks good.
Commentsfrom one Dee Dee to another! I noticed there are alot of Dee Dee's checking your site out! Maybe we can start Dee Dee chat! regards, Dee Dee
Commentsand yet another deedee. haha... but there are more coincidences than that... i'm also chinese-american and live in southern california... i was BORN in the same city you graduated high school from... and yearn to become a computer programmer and/or web designer.. i dropped by your site when it was just forming and have been a somewhat frequent visitor ever since... i found it c-c-c-c-crrazzzyyy that we have so many coincidences in common. haha. byebye
Commentswell, like everyone else i went here just looking for dee dee's. but my question for yuo is were you in a sorority at ucla??? bye. nice site. too bad you took the domain name from me!!! dee dee
CommentsYour site's i-ight, but I prefer my webpages raw. That's why I always check out http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/stagest/emcee-embee/VULTURE.html And I love the two pictures that I'm in! I can't believe how much we have in common!
CommentsDeedee- Thanks for the great pictures of our wedding! It's great to see what was going on when we were busy with all the other wedding stuff. Looks like everyone had a great time! Melissa
Commentswas up i was juss looking up stuff online and my sis's name is dee dee so i looked it up and it came here. I like your webpage it is very cool and good luck w/u and Jason
CommentsHi, i was just messin' around on the web and typed in my name and found your site. I never knew there were other DeeDees out there, now that i know there are it's kind of a kool feelin'. Just want to tell you, you have a awsome website and an awsome name!!! :~)
CommentsJust dropped in checking out sites, now i know, thanks for the smile.
Commentslike the name but i am the only dee dee in the world who loves fieldy
CommentsA while ago I wanted to register our busines name ( the business consists of my wife and me) and found out, that our name is taken by you. Than I went in your web-site. Nicely done! Is there any chance that we can get the name deedee back??? Please!! Dirk
CommentsMs. Moe, I Have Hydrocepahalus which means Water on the brain. I'll need some Advice on how to take care of people making fun of me because I have a big head. E-Mail Me soon your friend in hope, Zach Casper
CommentsHi! Just wanted to see if there was a "deedee.com" -- and there is! Thanks for the smile!
Commentshi, I and my friend Deedee just found your page. It was nice. God Bless, Shannon
Commentshey what is up? nothing much here i just went here onaccident and that is so cool that you have the same name as me i have never heard of anyone having that name that is just awesome!! there is alot of dee dee's that is so cool! and if any of you other dee dee's would like to email me please do so at the address above!!! peace deedee
CommentsHi my name is Dee-Dee and me and my friend Jessica were acting like retards and were looking to see if our names went to a website. Jessica.com goes to a porn site so don't go there, but then I came here and I saw that it was really nice. So, keep up the good work and good luck with Jason.
CommentsHi....came upon your site cause my nickname is DeeDee. I really like the look alot. Good Work!! Was wondering what you used to create the graphics?
Commentsi like you page and your name!
CommentsHello My Name is Marshall, i was Surfing your site and loved it. i have a question for you. Do you think i can post my family up with your web page? I would like that very much. for futher contact please contact me at Icetoad25@aol.com
CommentsMy son (who is 4) and myself were entering all our friends names to see what came up! You have an adorable website and I thank God that it was clean... My son especially loved your animals. Lovely pictures!!
Commentsi am from india in india we call our elder sister .."DeeDee" and i want to make you my deedee... can i ? if you want to meet your brother e-mail me back -- your loving brother vaibhav
CommentsMuch respect to you and your friends, from holland.
CommentsNice site
CommentsI was just poking around on the internet and I put my name Dee Dee just for fun and all of a sudden something came up. I was so amazed. I said to my self what is this,but then I saw your picture. Well it's nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world named Dee Dee. Talk to you another time. I don't have a email, but I hope to talk to you soon. Denetra!!!!
Commentshi... deedee... i like your website very much... it is very sweet...! and you know why i would surf your website?? hum... cos i m also called deedee by my boyfriend... hehe... can you teach me how to register a email 'xxx@deedee.com'? can you help me with this???
CommentsHi you rudypooh. The Rock says it dosnt matter if you went to high school or not with the great one all that matters that this sunday at backlash im going to be crowned the world wrestlig champion of the world with no questions asked. if you smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel ,,,what the rock is cooking.
CommentsMy name is not Dee Dee. I was, however, looking for a Dee Dee Bridgewater site. I just saw her in concert. I was just browsing through your guestbook and contrary to one comment made, it seems your name isn't as rare as thought by one of your multiple Dee Dee guests. =) By they way, your personal website is one of the better ones I've seen.
Commentsi really love your website
CommentsI was just fooling around and I found your website. I wanted to say that you look a lot like a girl I know. She is only 12 years but you two could be sisters. I like your colors and layout, although I think you should change the yellow squares.
CommentsFriend of Kate's checking out the wedding....
Commentsawesome website!
CommentsHi! I was just messing around and decided to see if there was a website that bore my name, and yes indeed, I happened upon Deedee.com. There aren't many of us around, and I've found that every Deedee I meet is funny, intelligent, friendly, outgoing, independent, strong, and generous, among other wonderful traits! I didn't spend a whole lot of time on your site, but just from your intro I could see that you definitely fall into the category! (Which is ironic, considering we Deedees tend to spurn categorization to begin with!) I hope you don't mind me intruding upon your site like this, but I just thought it was cool. Take care, DeeDee, and keep up the good work with the site. Yours, Deedee Clohessy
CommentsI have to say that i too am guilty of finding your site by accident. My name is DeeDee too and i was just curious as to whether or not there was a DeeDee.com. I did enjoy reading your site and wish you and Jason the best of luck! DeeDee Davis
CommentsI stumbled across your website looking for someone else. I have to admit, it was interesting reading your site. I wish you and your family much happiness and success.
CommentsI just will go to my mom"s house.But I wish that you came to my birthday today
Commentsnice site! I found it on accedent :-) I was just typeing things into the address line, and that's what happened... Anyway...I liked your page. Byes
CommentsI am not only cute, but sensitive and funny as well...
CommentsHi-- I'm not a family or friend person that I guess you intended this page for, but that's OK. I just typed in deedee.com for fun to see if there was a website with my name, and lo and behold, there is! Anyway, I figured I'd just let you know I was here...Bye!
CommentsWhen are you going to send my dee dee wardrobe
CommentsJust messing around on the computer and put my name and and you site came up, pretty cool. There are not very many people with that name. Is that your birth name? It is mine it is on my birth certificate. haha Just thought I'd say hi.
CommentsHello!! My name is DeeDee too! I think jason's brother james is really cute. Great Website! Later, DeeDee
CommentsCan I have a dee dee wardrobe
CommentsHey DD I like your homepage. It was nice to see pictures of everybody too. Hope your well, and keep Jason intertained during the workweek for me until I get back! -Greg
CommentsTotally hip site! I was on my search engine and the hotbot picked up some serious cool waves. Anyhoo, this is just like the most beneficial site i have ever encountered. Oh, say, my mom is calling me for dinner. We're having squid. Do you like squid? By the way Dee Dee, you need more hermit crab stuff. If you want to see a hermit crab go to my totally rad site called www.homestead.com/hermitcrabs/hermittwins.html so please visit and sign my guest book. And there's a really groovy picture of my Hermit (named Nety) having twins. BFN! later alligator.
Commentsthis is great!!! now our clients are going to want their sites to be as good as this! thanks for your great intelligence and dedication to xactimage, we're very lucky to have the best deedee in the world! wendy
Commentswell i'm not your family member but I do think you're extremely pretty.
CommentsGreat Layout and easy to navigate!! You are indeed an intellegent lady. Keep up tha good work girl cause you are off the hook!!! One, Rich
Commentshey dd remember me?? haven't seen you guys for a while. hope everything is going okei! Hope auntie dee and uncle moe are doing well too. i like your pics..especially the one's with jason lettin loose. miss you guys, say hi to ivan for me too! oh by the way i see your subliminal easter bunny color scheme goin on.keke dave
CommentsVery good DeeDee, I love you web site. You can make one for me and mom some day. Love you dad
CommentsHi DeeDee! It's Saturday and I'm (ack) here at work, so I should be working hard to finish things up and rejoin the real world ASAP, but some mysterious force (let's call it 'procrastination') led me to start browsing and brought me to your newly redesigned site. Way cool! I really like the new look and the added stuff. Ignore all of Wyman's suggestions -- the only way it could possibly be any better is if you'd used GoLive instead of FrontPage. :-) Hope you've been doing well. -- Kevin
CommentsCute page i like the way it is laid out
CommentsHi Deedee and Jason: This is a neat site and I like the color scheme. Keepup the good work. Ron (Uncle Ron to you Jason)
CommentsDeeDee, I have no idea how I bumped into your page in this vast world of the WWW. But I'm glad I did! It's great to see more down to earth sites regarding real people! I am a junior at Pace University here in New York City and I'm an IT major. I just wanted to take this time to tell you that you have a great page! Best luck with you and your continued success. I would like to know...when you can, what tools you use (used) to create your site? Frontpage? HTML? A combo? When you can, let me know! Best wishes! Alex
Commentsso much encouragement on this page......"wow"...."good job"...."way to go"..... looks pretty plain to me. just a lot of cut and paste if you ask me. i'm gonna go read "webdesign for dummies" and do a better job than this. your friend forever, barry
CommentsDeedee, wow! You did a great job! Now do one for me. No, seriously! :-) By the way, I'd like to submit a picture of you from way back when (you know, when you had braces and all). :-) Love, Mee-sha-la
CommentsMore pictures of me man!!! It's okay, I know you're working on it and just decided which ones I look the best in :) Talk with you soon. Love, me.
CommentsYeah, I made it on your website....TWICE! I feel so privileged to be included and thank you for not adding any pictures of us jazz dancing in our leg warmers to Paula Abdul in the garage. Heehee Oh, and it is soooooo Wyman to give you pointers on your website :o). I think that it is perfect! Love Ya DeeDee! love, Lulu
CommentsNot bad. I'm surprised that you didn't put any little bunny rabits on your home page. Helpful Suggestions: You might want to add some little pictures to your left side navigator instead of using those boring yellow squares. Also, if your doing frames, you can have it so that when a user clicks on each of the choices on your left hand navigator,(like "Home", "Jason", "My Family",etc..), only the right hand side reloads to the new page, while leaving the left hand side navigator constant. use the "Target" settings in the framesets tag, to do this. Excellent job. Luv, Wyman
Commentshey missy! you did a great job! you'll have to show me how you did it all, i haven't a clue as to where to begin! take care and i'll see you soon! luv, rev
CommentsOutstanding!! I like the picture of arby about 4 seconds before bun is gonna unload on him. Been there. great job on your site. I am gonna have to refer people to it if they wanna see wedding reception pictures. Luv ya Justin
Commentssite looks good dd, have fun in OC and i'll probably see you guys next weekend. ben
CommentsTammy is excited that she is in your website! I could care less! Just kidding Dee Dee...those were cool web pages. I will talk to you later and kick Jack's ass for me! Thanks!
CommentsI loved your website...it was great and a lot of fun!!! 8>)
Comments2d- outstanding home page...those pictures look great...luckily for me, the pics didn't tell the whole story(sigh)...oh yeah, you're the best!!!
CommentsDeeDee--wow, very nice. Sandi and I said your artist talent would go well with your web design work. Phil and Sandi
Commentsdd, wow, it turned out great! good job hon! love, jason
CommentsWell, we do have at least two things in common. We share the same first name, and I also have a boyfriend named Jason! :) Feel free to e-mail me so we can get to know each other. Hope to hear from you soon.
CommentsHi, my name is Dee Dee! Isn't that awsome? What a kowinky dinky, Binky! I love people with the name Dee Dee. It's just fine and dandy like sour candy. So, ta ta for now!!! -Dee Dee Sberlo
Commentsyou stole my web site but i'm not tripping you could have it. SMILE
CommentsJust thought I would try my name and see what I would come up with. : )
CommentsWow! We have the same name and we're both Chinese. Neat. I'm a student at Wellesley College. Nice to meet you.
CommentsMy name is Deedee to!!!!!!!!!!!
Commentshey whatcha been up to? not much here well i have to go buh-bye!!!
CommentsHi I thought it was so cool that we have the same name write me back. BYE,DEEDEE
CommentsLoved the website! Thought I'd check out the site that was named after someone who has the same name as I. DeeDee M.
Commentsi typed in my name in the computer and i got your web page so i guess we have the same name lol
Commentshey my name is deedee too do u like the backstreet boys i love em always deedee BsBLoVeR |