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Archived Messages - Page 1 |
Commentsi just typed deedee in the adress bar and i just was in your website.I'm a grade 4 girl that's lives in Cananda.Really good website!!
Commentshi! my name is DeeDee too!!Is your full name Deandra? cuz mine is!well,i hope u e-mail me back sometime soon. *Dee*
Commentsi thought it was a deedee ramone web site, but it's ok. you must be a great person too...n' beautiful! kudos from BRASIL, DeeDee Moe!
Commentshey the reason i got to your website is cuz i was just typing all my friends's names and my girlfriend's name is Deedee so when i typed her's i was sent to your website. it would be pretty cool to hear a response from you. a Hott sexy papa, Devin C.
Commentsthe e-mil was my best friend we share the the e-mail.hey when we were having a sleep over and we were tring out our names and then we tried our nicknames and then we ran into your web site and we had a blast on your web site and we had fun on all your pictures and it wasfunny the way your dogs look!!!!!!!!!!! WELL GOT TO GO I HAVE TO EAT!
Commentsdeedee how are you ? you and your boyfriend are a wonderful couple. please e-mail me . love your site! laterz!
CommentsHi DeeDee. Well, I was hoping to make a website for my family, too. I guess I'll have to come up with another name. Anyway, Your site is very nice!
Commentsi love your web site
Commentshey deedee i had nuffin2 do n just typed in like deedee.com n ur webbys well cool , ;)
Commentshey deedee my name is deedee too.i think yoir cool.i would look up to you but my sister is a model.bye
CommentsMy name is deedee to.Alot of people dont have the same deedee its a odd name.Well im going to a club . HOLLAAAAAAAAAAA
Commentshi my names dee dee too! thats so funny! cool! wow!
CommentsDescançe em paz, valeu kra, se foi um representante legitimo e original do Ramones. Hellyson Lima www.ramonespage.kit.net
Commentsi'm in love with u. marry me. touch me where i like it (in the pants)
Commentshey deedee i need a boyfriend badly
CommentsHey, I was just looking up my name on the computer and your website came up please e-mail me back peace
CommentsHi I was just got done surfing because I live in L.A and I came in and went to your web page and my moms name is Deedee to better go bye.
Commentshey wassup man i have the same nickname and that is so kewl so i gueess i email u later ttyl dee dee
Commentsi think you are the one i was playing dominos with just sending you this message to let you know i was trying to email you
CommentsYou took my name !%*^$$&! &^^*! Why?!?! I hate you! ^&(*&% Nice site.
CommentsHey DeeDee..whats up?..i think ur soo cool. i would look up to u but im an actress. im 13 years old.i hope u email me back, if u wouldnt..it would break my heart.your soo kool see ya
Commentsasslma-0-alkium + hello u r . iam looking 4 pure freindship who knows thye meaning if freindship plz plz b possitive in freindship if one can understand what iam trying to say then mail me i will reply as soon as i can
CommentsI am very happy to lear your thing
Commentshi. dee dee i can not speek english
CommentsHi deedee,I quite got here by acident!!my name is Vcikie and I'm in grade 4! it's a great website!! Bye~
Commentshello i like your web site
Commentshello i like your web site
CommentsYou are sooooo cool. Good Luck!!!!!
Commentshey deedee! one day... when i was really bored... i typed in deedee.com... n i came to this really cool website. even though i don't know you, i loved this website of yours! well... ttul! bibi :)
CommentsGREAT LAYOUT!!!!! i really like how it looks 3-D anyway like everyone else did i found ur site when i typed in Dexters Lab! lol bye
CommentsI love your cartoon
Commentsih its me i have got a new email send all mail to deedeewilkes26@hotmail.com
Commentshi my name is deedee to i live in australia iam 1 of 8 in kids in the family how meny in yours ? BYE
Commentsi hope to meet someone else with my name my whole life and you are the first hope to talk to you sometime e-mail me plese
Commentshi nice web page.congrats on graduating
Commentsnice site, who hosts it? I have a personal site by 20fr.com and it is really lame. could you mail me with some info on yours?
CommentsHey its a good thing to do what your to keep in contact with your love one's. Is it possible for me to have a special site like yours? if so please email me back. Thank you Falajah
CommentsHey its a good thing to do what your to keep in contact with your love one's. Is it possible for me to have a special site like yours? if so please email me back. Thank you Falajah
Commentscool site! i realy like it :P i was just searching for deedee :P and found this site... but i was wondering... how do you make frames? ive been working on a frame site for about 3 months now.. but still.. no frame :) if you'd please mail me thanks! Cynthia
CommentsHello, my name is also deedee. I was just trying to see if it worked and it did...and this ugly loser right besdie me thinks it wouldent work but it did! thanks email me sometime dee_dee_61@hotmail.com
CommentsHi! I am tahir have just visited your site I like too much of these all really If you wana know me you can visit my site at http://tahirsystems.com Thanks to reply soon
CommentsHello Deedee, I was looking for a cartoonfigure Deedee but instead I found you. I think it's cute.
CommentsYou have a really pleasant web site. I like the design and colors used. It's really a heart warming site to keep in touch with your love ones... really envy you. Have a nice day. 8-)
Commentsno pense que tantas personas se llamaran deedee, la pagina es buena. (perdon por el español) bye. dee dee©
CommentsMy name is Jerry. I like visitng peoples websites. In my free time I enjoy eating chinese food, making Won-Ton soup with Mr. Miagi. I think your website rules, and I might send you some of Mr. Miagi's special soup someday. Wok N Woll!
CommentsI like rice!
CommentsHello I don't know you I was trying to find another web site and I thought this was how they spelled it but it wasn't. I am sorry if this site is for family only. Thanks!
CommentsGreat site...you need to update your site though.
Commentswas just playing around...and i got onto your webpage...i like your piccies....they are really lovely. u really made me smile. thank you!!!
CommentsYour name iz really kule !!! Itz my name 2 but check out my website itz www.witchyfingers.co.uk its really kule and my sisters iz www.titchyfingers.co.uk it iz kule but not az kule az mine. c ya **deedee*
Commentsno baby
CommentsHi I'm Hristo from Bulgaria (little country in East Europe)and for me is very interesant your web. Sorry, but I Don't speak english good. I was glad to meat you. Bye!
CommentsHi dee dee!! I think you are really impressive and since i'm only 10 thats a very good comment! I look up to your smartnest because i'm only 10 and get this i am in the 10th grade so i fill very freeky with all these high schoolers e-mail me back i need some advise!!
CommentsYou have a great website. I love it.
CommentsI think you have a very nice smile. I would like to give your e-mail to a friend of mine (t.wong). only if it is ok with you. I look forward to hear from you. If not I will not take much of your time. sincerely.Ben( I still like the way you smil)
Commentsi do not know you but my name is Dee-Dee to and that is so cool. i was just playing with names and I typed in my name and it came up so Hi.
CommentsYour site is really cute :-)
CommentsI love you Dee
CommentsI am A vet and I would like to score with Arby and Bun
Commentswhats with every body saying ass
Commentsyour pets r so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Commentsneed 2 talk right now
CommentsHi DeeDee !!! We are from Poland and we would like to get in touch with you;o))We are 17 years old and we are interested in lots of things, f.e. football and music. We are looking forward to seeing your e-mail
CommentsHi DeeDee !!! We are from Poland and we would like to get in touch with you;o))We are 17 years old and we have a lot of interested
Commentserm.....i was looking for Dee Dee Ramones site so ummm not sure whats going on here! anyway, check out my bands site, http://www.flamingtesticles.cjb.net we rock, we're from Scotland, we kick ass!
Commentshii my name is ferit !! what is this ??
Commentshey deedee what's happen i need ur advise it's about a boy at my school that keeps getting on my neves what can i do
Commentshey! i love ur site. u seem like a cool person. laterz
Commentsi saw on a show dee dee and you can ask questions about growing up and you can get back an answer about growing up.
Commentsneed too talk
Commentswhat's up i 14/m/dallas i just ask is you for japan
CommentsMy sisters mean to me! What can I do? Your Friend, Bethany
CommentsHey! I love your site. It seems like you have a great family and some really crazy friends. Looked like you had a fun time at Vegas.
Commentsi like very much this site inclluding you. i'm from Romania
Commentshey dee dee I was looking for the dee dee from the doug banks show and your page came up. Instead of me clicking it off I read it instead. Your a sweet person with lots of good things going for yourself just don't take them for granted. I like your page hopefully you'll teach me how to get a great page like yours. P.S. I love pets too :) friends call me Me-Me South Carolina in the house
Commentshow old are you
CommentsWow...kewl...I read the entries (in part) before signing...I'm not the only Daniela who goes by DeeDee...SWEET!...I'm stoked to see that there are so many DeeDee's...after all, it is a pretty cool name, don't ya think? BTW, LOVE your site...nice work!
Commentshi i love your hair. your hair is so beautiful and shiny. your blond hair. i can't stand it. write back soon
Commentshi i love your hair. your hair is so beautiful and shiny. your blond hair. i can't stand it. write back soon
Commentshi i love your hair. your hair is so beautiful and shiny. your blond hair. i can't stand it. write back soon
Commentshi i love your hair
Commentshey i heard about u on the new movie Tro confessions.I just wanted to see your website and its really cool.I think you did a great jog in your life please send me yous e-mail adress thanx bye
CommentsYour pretty dee...
Commentshi i like your page its neet well bye
Commentshey i just wanted to drop a few words i don't really have time but i will.I really do like ur profile and u r pretty
Commentshi do u know kari bols she lives in d.c
Commentshey i just wanted to know who all had the name deedee cuz there is in one in my communitey with it well bye
Commentsdid you know that in the book the vagina monologues it says 'dee dee' is another word for vagina????
Commentsyour family is preety
CommentsHi! We are drunk and from CANADA. Goes without saying. Anyway we are just commenting on how you look exactly like our best friend but has our (DeeDee's) name. That is so cool. Your boyfriend is something less than to be desired, sort of runs over the border too. Good luck, and follow his, err your dreams.
CommentsDo you like your name Deedee,because my name is Deedee to,just like you! From Deedeeholsey
Commentsyou don't know me, but I stubbled on to your web sight accident looking for DeeDee.com from the dugh banks show. You have a lovely family and really nice friends. Loved your web sight. Really handsom brothers too!
CommentsPlease add your comments to my guestbook, I'd love to hear from you!
CommentsPlease add your comments to my guestbook, I'd love to hear from you!
Commentshello nice to meet you
Commentshey you look good in your picture and i think it is net but try both of them 6wheeler.com or 6wheeler.net deedee is my best friend and i'am sasha do you what me and deedee to be your best friend we will be your best friend email us back we will right you back to after you right us back? and did u know that were both lynns will i got to go buy right back and give us your e-mail okay buy?
Commentshey you look good in your picture and i think it is net but try both of them 6wheeler.com or 6wheeler.net deedee is my best friend and i'am sasha do you what me and deedee to be your best friend we will be your best friend email us back we will right you back to after you right us back? and did u know that were both lynns will i got to go buy right back and give us your e-mail okay buy?
Commentshey you look good in your picture and i think it is net but try both of them 6wheeler.com or 6wheeler.net deedee is my best friend and i'am sasha do you what me and deedee to be your best friend we will be your best friend email us back we will right you back to after you right us back? and did u know that were both lynns will i got to go buy righ back and give us your e-mail okay buy?
Commentsyour dog and rabit are soooooooooooooo cute but they must be a handful?ok gtg bibi
CommentsHey,DeeDee my name is Daniella DiBitetto but my friends call me DeeDee.So you can call me DeeDee if you want.My e-mail address is dd592 so you can e-mail me any time if you want.I have some questions for you listed below.... :How old are you? :Whens your b-day? :How did you meet Jason,/hiw old is Jason? :Where do you live? :And whats your real name if you have one? we'll it's time to go buh bye. Sincerly, Daniella DiBitetto
CommentsHi well i just wanted to say that you have a very nice web site, but how i got here was funny cause i was jus typing in my friends name and this site came up an she say kool.
CommentsNi hao ma? I like your website, well done :) http://dtgross23.tripod.com/index.html Dave
Commentshi! I just wanted to say I came across your website by accident, and that it is really cute! i was just bored at work and typing in website names just to see what it would bring up. (deedee is my cat's name!) anyway, i was having such a long and tiring day and it was fun to browse through your website! best of luck to you and your friends and family!!! noel williams
Commentsall cool
Commentsi like ur stuff.but they always block stuff out
CommentsGreat web page! It turned me ooooooooonnnnnnn!!!!!!!
CommentsI'm 18 years old i'm living tanzania i need a friend who is 17 up to 24.
Commentsmy name is dee dee too. and i just wanted to see if i had a site si i didi and i saw you and my friend said dee dee(to me)you have your own website and i said kool
CommentsHi, I thought i would try my name, and I came up to your website. Now I wanna say hi. So......hi. Dee Dee Ingels 13 years old
CommentsIknow this may not be the right way .Butnothing beats a failure other than someone who tries.I need help my car tranmission went out and ineed help please help me and my 2boys 6mons.and3yrs.394-9589.
CommentsHey DeeDee mij bijnaam is ook deedee het is wel geinig ik zat ff te klote op internet en ik d8 ik ga ff kijke of ik op mijn bijnaam ook een site was en toen zag ik die van jou wel een toffe site hor
Commentsdeedee we love u! go home
Commentsvery good I like it http://iamdeedee.top263.net/pp.html
CommentsHi DeeDee. I haven't been back for a while, like since Aug 9, 2000. I cant belive how many mail you got since i last checked. I was on page two. Lots of fun reading the email. great site. glad to see yr still here. have a happy day! yr friend, Diane
CommentsHI! GRRREAT HOMEPAGE! Wish you and Jason the best of luck together, ALWAYZ.... i may not know you, but still,,,,, Anywayz, I am a 14 year old girl who is a model, I am recently on the jv softball team fro Geneva, Alabama LADY PANTHERS, umm.... all I wanted to say is GRRREAT HOMEPAGE, and the best of luck with Jason!!!!!:P
Commentshi there, my name is Fernando and I've found your page at random. I'm from Brazil and love to meet new friends over the internet. If you read this message, my icq number is 53003267 and my e-mail address is in the message. I also use the MSN Messenger. Glad to meet you. See you
CommentsHey: I was just goofing off and typed my name to see if there was a URL...you got it! lol
CommentsHi. I don't know you but I was playing around and found your site. It's very cute. My friend mike says Hi. His email is benz12285@iamwasted.com. Happy V-Day!!!
Commentsnice page..... i was just flipping though web pages and found this... well ill talk to you later
CommentsMy nick name is deedee too I just want to tell you that.
CommentsYou have a cool name!
CommentsYou have a cool name!
CommentsPuta que pariu mano ! Voce é mó gostosa!
CommentsOi, se você sabe falar português, leia essa mensagem, se não sabe, leia quando um dia você aprender. Não falo inglês e não entendi nada so seu site! Estava procurando um site sobre a personagem DeeDee do desenho animado "o Laboratório de Dexter (Dexter´s Laboratory)" e achei esse sei site. Tenho uma Homepage sobre a minha cadela Dogue Alemão, o endereço é www.dogdori.hpg.com.br Um abraço
Commentshi deedee my name is shana and i am 8 yrars old i am a girl. you look pretty
Commentswho are you??????!!!!!! are you dexter's sister????
CommentsThis is fabulous site! Your boyfriend is a real cutie!
Commentsjust typing in my name to see what popped up.
Commentshey! i just did a random search through the web and found your site. its kinda sweet ehz... grats on ya job... see ya ard...
CommentsHey! Nice site... This is actually the domain I wanted for my new website.... I guess I'll have to find a new one.... Regards
CommentsHello my name is Dee Dee Bell and i am from Plano texas. I would like to commend you on your excellent web site. I love boys.
Commentsur so cool! e-mail-me and we can communicate about how cool you are isn't that cool!
Commentsgreetings from an other Dee-Dee (16, boy) from the Netherlands
CommentsHey girly!!!!!! I MISS U SSSOOO much!! MUAH! MUAH! ne way I think ur site is way groovey! its sssssssoooooo awesome just like u!!! hehehehehe lol!!!
CommentsI was Searching the domain name for my wabsite,my company name is DeeDee Impex So it happens to visit u r site.so the name similarity has clashed us regards (Harish)
CommentsHey, cute site, when you create a site, is it all in html format. Just curious, oh and i think that was my retarded friend who left you that last message. Goodbye.
CommentsUm...A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now I said my ABC'S won't you come and sing with me...Hey is for horses grass is cheaper
CommentsI have no idea where I am. OoO WAIT! I AM STUCK IN MY COMPUTER... Help me please!!! I am a lost loser.
Commentshi dee dee how are you doing? well it is very nice to meet you but i don't have a photo. but please write back and maybe we can keep in touch like pen pals or something. i am a 26 year old african american mother of two sons and a wife in a small city called Natchez in the state os Mississippi. nice talking to you.
CommentsHi..loved the page and Congrats on all of your successes. Happy New Year
CommentsDo you have my dog? I want my dog back. Oh wait, its in my pants!
Commentsyou are a very very lovely girl .... and funny photos ... bye
CommentsI wood like to hear from you
Commentsi love ramones i love deedee ramone the king of punk
CommentsYES i wanna know how to spell my name in (nick) in chinesse and i cant find a website to do that do you think you could help me out on that THANKS
Commentshey deedee, my cuz name is deedee 2
Commentshey, are you the trance singer DeeDee? if you are i love your songs
Commentshi this is deedee and jessica just wanted to say hi. you have a nice web site. well we got to go BYE-BYE DEEDEE AND JESSICA
CommentsHi dee dee I love your website. It is very cool!!! hope to seee you brie
CommentsHi..loved the page and Congrats on all of your successes. Happy New Year
Commentsyo. wazzz up we live in cali. we know a dee dee but shes WAY bitchier than you
Commentsi am a chinese ,i am glad to see your web home.it's beautiful.wish u happy everyday. Remember me to everyone.thank u!! Merry X'mas & Happy New year!:)
Commentsi was looking for a different website and i accidently stumbled upon yours. i just wanted to say that i think its cool and i hope u have a happy new year!
Commentshi deedee, im 13 i live in cali. u have a great site. can u tell me how i can make mines? pleeze later, tereina
Commentshey, I know i don't know u, i'm from Perth Australia, and I'm 12. I think ur websites fantastic, but i'd really like 2 have my own website and i ave no idea wot 2 do! I was thinking that maybe u could PLZ help me? Thanx!!!
CommentsHi! i don't know you but i think that it is rally cool that you havre the same name.i was really bored and i jst typed in my name and it came here! Cool!(i am so not joking)
CommentsHi i love ur website i am so amazed.As to noe can u help me create a website i really need want pls email me!
CommentsHi I don't know u but (_8(l)
Commentsthat is kool my nane is DeeDee to lol
Commentsi love girls and sex
Commentsi just found your website just because i was trying to see if there where any websites in my name.i think that its cool that you have made your own website. see ya, dede
Commentshi! i just wanted to say my name is deedee too, only i am 13 years old. I live in fort wayne..not to exciting but i just thought that was kind of neat that i actually found another deedee in this world. is deedee your real name? mines not...it's actually brittany, but when my sister and i were little she couldnn't say brittany and when she did it came out deedee, so it's been stuck ever since. ok well i'll let you go and i hope you'll write back if you can! bye!!
CommentsHey how are you? I sent you an E-mail before and never heard from you...
Commentsi love looking at your pictures even though i have no clue of who you are
CommentsOk didnt see my last message Anyway a really beautiful web site dee dee very creative and coulorful from candice in south africa
CommentsOk didnt see my last message Anyway a really beautiful web site dee dee very creative and coulorful from candice in south africa
CommentsDee Dee I think you put alot of effort into this, its so beatifyl and creative I was really amazed thanx Candice form Johannesburg south africa
Commentsi love cartoon network!!
Commentshey my name is deedee.just thought hey amybe there was a website out there that has my name in it i guess there is anyways i thought you website was cool and i always go to it.
Commentssop everyone, i am cool rite?
Commentsi used to have a complex about being the only one named deedee in this vast world. I coulda sworn nobody else had the same name as me. Now i am pissed cuz everyone has my damn name and you have the damn website, and all these DeeDee's have formed a club but dont tell me where and when they meet. this blows, i am never logging on again.
CommentsWhat up deedee I'm from Ireland and supposed to be helping my girlfriend do some college work, but got bored and as her name is deedee I had a look to see if anyone had opened up a site with her name and so here we are!! Ok, gonna have a look around have a good one SLAN LEAT!!
CommentsHi i am ketan i was just thinking of i could have some borders from Ketan Mistry
Commentspls can you add me
Commentshey! i dunno you but i wanted to see if there was a site already called deedee.com but i see there is. that's kool! it's an awesome site! oh yea! the name dee dee rocks! (that's my name!)
CommentsHey DeeDee....My name is DeeDee too! Just wanted to say Hello!
CommentsHi!I am from Latvia.My second nick name is DeeDee,and it is funny that someones name is DeeDee.I don`t know who are you,but i hope that soon i`ll get know you better. P.S.Your web page is very nice.I hope that you will come to Latvia oneday,so i can meet you. Bye!!! Evija
CommentsHi!!!!! E-mail me and go to my website at www.expage.com/shadowsofthenight and sign my guestbook! Thanx Deedee!!!!!!!!!
Commentswe are the best deedee in the would
CommentsYou have an interesting site. I just happen to see in on the web.
CommentsI just logged on and I hope U willhave somthing cool. It looks like U might.
CommentsI'm Johnny Bravo.
Commentsso beautiful!
CommentsDear DeeDee, Hi. Untill now I always thought that I had the stupidest name! Untill I looked up the website. You made me feel better about having my name. Love, DeeDee
CommentsYour the best Dee Dee
CommentsHey I ended up on this site when I was trying to go to a site of one of our radio stations. But would like to say that your web site is very interesting. And you and Jason look so happy in all the pictures and you adore your pets like i do my dog "Ewok". For that I really liked. I may not know who you are but your life really interested me and you have done a lot with your life. You should be proud of yourself. I do not know you but you seem very nice and Jason seems to be the one. Hope you continue to do good and even though you do not know me could you atleast let me know that you do read your e-mail. Thanks Crystal
CommentsIn België hebben wij een prachtige zangeres die Deedee heet. Haar recentste hit heet Forever! Zo ben ik toevallig op deze site terechtgekomen. Je zal er wel in slagen om mijn Nederlands te vertalen zeker? Have Fun...
CommentsHi DeeDee I went to DeeDee.com to see your ring,but I didn't the fashion.
Commentscongrats on the engagement.this is the first time that i acctually sent someone an email online. great website!talk to you later.
Commentscongradulations hope you hve a good life!!
CommentsDee Dee: I think this web site is so nice and you did a great job. Best of luck in whatever you do. Adorn
CommentsYour web site is very perfect and I think you're very smart & talent.Congratulation for your love with Jason. I am Thai lady who just gradulate 1 years and look for good famous university at USA. My name is Kaew:> Anyway, I have one question, if I would like to apply for UCLA, how can I access them. If you have infomation, please give me web-site, address or etc. Thank much, I mail you again. Bye bye.
CommentsYour web site is very perfect and I think you're very smart & talent.Congratulation for your love with Jason. I am Thai lady who just gradulate 1 years and look for good famous university at USA. My name is Kaew:> Anyway, I have one question, if I would like to apply for UCLA, how can I access them. If you have infomation, please give me web-site, address or etc. Thank much, I mail you again. Bye bye.
Commentswhat up cuzz nothing much girl just chillin
CommentsI went to make my one website
CommentsMy name is Dee Dee too!! I live in Michigan. I was just poking around the internet, and I decided to see if there was a Dee Dee.com, and there was!!!
Commentsmy name is deedee too!! Can Ihave a email address traycee@deedee.com, -thanks!!!
Commentsi love your wed site it is really cool
Commentsu're very lovely. i'd like to be your friend.
CommentsI'm sorry. I was tryin to reach the Dee-Dee that are on The Dough Banks each morning. If this is the Dee-Dee. You shocked the h-- out of me because I would have never thought to think that you were Chinese. Shawanda
CommentsYour web site is wonderful and i would like to say congrats to u and jason on your engagement.
CommentsCome back to Inola. We miss you! Mom is getting worried about you. Quit being something your not. Signed, Your Loving Family
CommentsGreat & Cool & Sweet!
Commentsmay i be your friend?
Commentsi am cery happy to meet a cute lady such as you . please let me hear about you . i am a dentist from somewhere in this world .........thank you .
Commentsi was paging thru websites and i came across yours.it looked cute so i decided to look.even though i dont know you it was still a good website to check out!Good job!!!
Commentsdamn, your hot thanks for the picture!!!!!!!!!!!
Commentsdee dee is the best of dexter's laboratory
Commentsdeedee you are the best! i love your show.
CommentsYour site is cute and very easy to access. I was looking for the singer DeeDee's site, but I really enjoyed glancing in on a little bit of your life. Great site, I would love to have a site like yours!
Commentsei! i dont know u.. im just looking for deedee's site (dexter's lab) wen i ended up in your website. anyways, im 20 yrs old from philippines. is jason ur boyfriend? he looks pretty cute! ;) k, i've seen from the other comments here that you're a radio __?_. whatever! so good luck! ;)
CommentsHey! We have the same name! Your website is really cute! I like it a lot and you seem like a really cool person!
Commentsmy name is deedee too
Commentsyou are so cool that I will cay
CommentsI was actually looking for DeeDee from 103.5 The Bomb! and your site came up. Nice picturs..you look like you have a really nice family.
CommentsI was actually looking for DeeDee from 103.5 The Bomb! and your site came up. Nice picturs..you look like you have a really nice family.
CommentsHey. I like your site. Its col. Keep up the good work!!
CommentsHey deedee, i was simple writing fancy names on my address bar and suddenly i wrote deedee as i remembered dexter and i saw this beautiful site of yours. its a very beautiful site, i appreciate the work. My name is anjum and i m from india, studying fine arts and multimedia. I m 20 years. If u wish to be my friend mail me at anjoom@hotmail.com hope to receive fom you. take care and good-bye
Commentsmy wifes name is dee dee i just punched it in and here we are thanks for the info the krogers in indiana
CommentsHi, my name is DeeDee, too. I was goofing around and stumbled onto your web page. I thought I would say hi.
CommentsHa ha. Cool site. I was actually lookin for Cartoon Nework's Deedee but I found this. Great job!
CommentsWell I jus so happened to go to my website and guess what I saw your website. I am not going to hate, Jus Motivate. Nice Website.
Commentshihi.......i just happened to browse your web page.....i'm from singapore.....well.... in general,i think that your web page is quite good....but maybe u can try to add more pictures???i think that alot of us would be most pleased to see that..... (",)
Commentshey my friends nickname is DeeDee
CommentsI think it cool
CommentsHi im deedee to im 10 years old and i thought your site was really cool! and you have a really cool name!!! DeeDee
Commentshi DeeDee love your site! i have the same name as u! isnt that cool? please e-mail me. what does DeeDee stand for?
Commentskool page
Commentse-mails addres
CommentsHey DeeDee, I was surfing the web when I just decided to go to DeeDee.com (since that is my name...lol...)but anyways... I want to become famous some day and become an actress i just love acting if you know someone in that sort of business then just leave me a message at my email address I would so be happy!! well... gotta go for now! bye, DeeDee
CommentsI think you are so SEXY and intelligent
Commentsits a load of rubbish
Commentsits a load of rubbish
Commentsyou have a pretty website because you are pretty. and are you chinesse?
CommentsHi, My name is Dee Dee too! So this site should be mine! Maybe you want to share? By the way, you are a total fox! Such a hottie! I think your so sexy Your pets are cute too. Please email me so we can talk more cause we are like sisters with the same name and all...! Love Dee Dee
Commentsi was jus bored..so i typed in anything..nice site though
CommentsLike some others, this was a mistake pulling up your website. I am glad I did though. I took the time to look at your pics and stuff and it brought me back to a hppy time in my life that was almost forgoten. Good luck in the future, you seem to have a lot of support.
Commentshi u shuld put me on this site, cos i am deedee no, i am THE deedee and dont forget it
Commentshey my nickname iz dee-dee i was jus browsing on the computer and i saw that there was a dee-dee.com since thats my middlename i decided 2 check it out well i hope we can talk sometimes.i didnt really read your website but how old r u?well c ya later
CommentsMy name is DeeDee as my daddy calls me. We were looking for DeeDee of Dexter's Lab. and found your site.I like your animals they are cute.
CommentsActually searched for DeeDee from Dexters Laboratory. A comic series. I think your Site is cool and so you and your friends. Jani from Germany
CommentsActually searched for DeeDee from Dexters Laboratory. A comic series. I think your Site is cool and so you and your friends. Jani from Germany
CommentsThis is cool!
Commentscool web site
Commentsi think your hot. i love your website. your so hot.
CommentsWe where just surfing the net and came acros your page we hope you do not mind greatings from Holland
Commentshello i am farooq from pakisdtan lahore
CommentsHELLO! DeeDee! japan
CommentsMy bests firnds name is DeeDee were both 9.
CommentsHi Deedee! your sweety site is very fun! presentame a pamela! un kiss
Commentsyo yo yo yo im here
CommentsDear DeeDee I stumbled across your website accidently and was intrigued by your gracious smile and touching eyes. i do not know why i am writing this but i just feel i have to after reading about you. I am from the beautiful country of Ireland.. Please email me for further friendship.... Yours truly Shane
Commentsmy cousin name is deedee and shes the real deal. so back off
CommentsHey we have the same name and your site is great!
Commentshi!! DeeDee,I am thai. you known thailand. I learn computer and interest program on net.bye.......see you
Commentshi i like ur web site its cool my name is deedee 2. mail me sometime and we can talk!! K! bi bi
CommentsDear DeeDee Hi this is Pamela Nathan I want to know if you need anybody to help you with your daycare but if not that is ok because I will look for someone else. Pamela Nathan
Commentsconsidering that you are a web designer, i assume you are at least somewhat familiar with IRC. go to irc.hack3r.com port 6667 and join channel #c0re. i will be there usually from 10 am to 5 pm. i look forward to seeing you there c0re
CommentsHi DeeDee, I was looking for another DeeDee when I came across your home page. Ijust wanted to say hello, and your picture is really nice. I'm a single mom working her way through graduate school. I'm a Clinical Supervisor in a Mental Health Facility,I've come to enjoy the work I provide to thoses that are less fourtunate than myself. Well this was my introduction hope to hear from you soon.
CommentsI love your website and one of my friend's name i Diane which is pretty close to DeeDee!
Commentshelp me.........i'm in love with you.....i need my pills
CommentsI wish my name was dee dee it is a rad name my friends name is deedee we ride horses together. I wish I could have your pets theyre cute my mom doesn't like dogs or bunnys she says they are sent from the devil I luv you Kitty
Commentshi i love your website my moms name is also deedee.but they call her dora well if u have a buddy list name send it to me
CommentsI can't get a job.....can you employ me?? My cats need nourishment!!! Help m
CommentsI was really bored, and I was typing my friends names in and adding dot com, so I typed my friend dee dee's name in, and I came across your page. Awesome site. I like it.
CommentsWe have the same name!! those picts are cool why do u put personal stuff on the internet?? Anyway i like your website!!
CommentsHey. I checked out this site cuz my name is Dee Dee too. My real name is Diana, but everyone called me Dee Dee. How did you make this kind of site? Email me to tell me please. :)
Commentsdeedee whats up thise is so coolmy cusins name is deedee to
Commentshey i was just surfin and thought i would tell you that my nick name is deedee which is why i came to this site!
Commentsneed new home page out dated
CommentsI am also chinese and i love to see chinese people around.
Commentsi was looking for tthe dee on the doug banks show,and i thought you were she,i just wanted to browse to see what exciting things i could see and learn,i,m not that good on the computer, but i can get by,but i like what you have done on your web site,i liked to learn how to do this,or as nice you did,can you show me please,i would love to hear from you,a friend name jerome,thanks
Commentslovely and very nice
CommentsYou are hilarious and adorable!!! I stumbled across your site looking for engagement party ideas (did a search for engagement parties).
CommentsHi, you do not know me, I just happen to stumble upon your site by accident. I was looking for DeeDee Mcquire from 97.8 on the radio and came to the wrong site, but anyway, your is nice. Nice family and photos. Take care.
CommentsQuite Good!keep it up!
Commentsdee dee i really like your web site and i think your pretty.
CommentsHey! I like your name. This is the first time that someone had the same name as me. My best friend told me about. Her name is Christina. Take care!!!!
Commentshey im your biggest fan! i want to be just like you! my mom says im crazy and that dreams cant come true but this is fo real! im going to cry! i love you so much! no on e says that your real but i know it becase we have conection!
Commentshi, you don't know me and I don't know you, but i think that the way you set your web page is cool. I really like the little message thing at the top of the screen the changes when you highlite something on the page. When I come accross things I like on the web, and theres a way to get a hold of the person who made them i like to tell them. Anyway just wanted to tell you that I like your site and that you did a nice jod.
CommentsThos web is real bullshit! Oh,I'm just jockeing,sorry for my language! I'm not american,so if you realase that there are some gramatic mistakes you should forgive me!!!!!!! Very good personal page!!!
Commentsi love your website!!!!!
CommentsHEY FOOL! LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU! Listen, i cant stand you and all your happyness. I dont have near as many friends as you have. You should be greatfull. I know i would be.
CommentsI think ur website is really good and i really enjoyed looking @ it
Commentsoh my god , hi u dont know me but i just entered deedee.com and this came up and my name is deedee i was soooo amazed ! email me or sumit cya love deedeexxxxxxx
CommentsI need to answer this question for a game show and was wondering if anyone could help me. This is the question. What did (does) DEE DEE JOHNSON and A-1 Manufacturing have in common? If you know please let me know at ruland@wi.net . Thanks, Chris
CommentsThanks for taking care of me last night. tell arby and jason i said hi. see you saturday.
CommentsI accidentally looked upon your website. I was trying to find another website with the name Dee Dee. But, anyway I think you have a cool website. I really enjoyed looking at the pictures and your cute pets.
Commentshello, deedee just wanted you to know that im very proud of you and your accomplishments haven't seen or heard from you in a while.
Commentsdextor off of dextors laboritory, his siters name it dee dee. i think that is a funny show. i like dextor when he is old
CommentsJust like a lot of people in your guestbook, my name is DeeDee too. I think that you have done a great job with your site so far. Keep up the good work!
Commentshiiiiiiii mama sweet face what are u doin up soooooooo late chocolate cake?
CommentsHi we just saw your page while clicking around names just randomly.This is an awesome page. One of our friends named D.D wanted us to try her name so we did and we found your page. well we just wanted to tell you. bye
CommentsI was just fooling around on the internet and put in my name and your page came up. Nice one by the way. Hey and Good Luck!
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I just accidently pulled up your website and I didn't know it was yours. I think it is a very good website. I see alot of positive family values and friendships and that is what the world needs. God Bless you, family and your friends. Karen
CommentsAwesome site. Good job.
CommentsHi as you can see my name is Deedee. I live in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am just saying hi, and congradulate you on your website.
CommentsThis may be an odd question? But, do you have anything in common with A1 Manufacturing? Did you design their Website perhaps?
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I like your site,I also do some design and you are my inspiration.Keep up the good work
Commentshhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like really like liked your like website. like omg it was like so cha!!! please like email me like cha back ok like thanx like cha cha cha cha !!!!! like bye like chelsea like cha!~!
Commentsi want see you plase call to me tel... +6614843811 i come from in thailand ... your so cool !!!! i link you
Commentshello, i gust movd her from france and i tink yor wepage is very nise. i'm sory, my english is not to good yet, so if yo ar ever in Soho stop by!
Commentshi there dee_dee! my name is deedee too! (like the name very much!) from dee_dee
CommentsHi I was just poking around websites and I guess there are more DeeDee's in this world besides me. I like you website keep up the good work.
CommentsIlove your website, it is so cool.
Commentswonderful site with true happiness. today i am missing my friends more then any other day in my whole life. good luck in future...keep smiling. peace 3D
CommentsHi Deedee, I have a friend named deedee. And i was just looking on the net for different names. And came across your site. I like how you have all your friend's and family on there. We can never leave our friend's and family out! RIGHT Well it was nice looking at your site. It gives me idea's for mine. Thank You. BYE
Commentsi like your page its simple and pretty
CommentsDear Dee Dee, I can't believe you actually named your web site after me! Wow. ( just kidding). Your website is so awesome -I'm gonna set up one of my own Tho' Don't worry I Can't use the name Ohmigod I just gotta say that Jason is so cute-when Iget engaged to Wesley,, That's my man's name I'm gonna post his pictures all over the Web. He's a hottie. I'm coming to the U.S> this summer we should meet up I feel we have a connection already, there are so many parrallels beteen our lives. oh by the way I'm from Ireland. Are you part Irish? Mail, me soon xxDeedee p.s. did you get the original hotmail Deedee?
Commentsthats cute i love pictures
Commentshi i am sam and my friends call me paapa. i like you web sitw very much. i wish success in developing it. send greetings to jason and all your friends. bye.
Commentsi like deedee moe
Commentshi! my name is Denise and my friends call me DeeDee so I just wanted to see if there wasany home page whit my name...... i come from FINLAND and i like enlish very much....... im 13years old......... BYE BYE .............(DEEDEE)
CommentsIhave the same name as you.Iwill like to meet yousome day.Is that your real name?That is my nick name.Can you write me back?That`s all I got to say.And good bye.
Commentshello' you don't know me but i was just foolin around on the web and i came here your web site is hard mos'def i just got my computer so i don't have an e-mail address welli just thought i'd compliment you on your web site cuase it's hard oh yeah i'm only 12 so dee dee maybe i'll e-mail- i mean sighn your ghest book tomorrow love always livie
CommentsI'm from Brazil. I'm not speak english perfect. Your site is very good!!! Eu moro no Brasil. Eu não sei falar inglês perfeitamente. Seu site é muito bom!!! Bye, bye
CommentsVery interesting website. I live in the American Gardens Building on West 81st street. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself with a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack when I'm doing my stomach crunches...I can do a thousand now. I have an 8:00 pm reservation at Dorsia for Friday night. I'm currently wearing a 3-button Brooks Brothers suit ($1,200) and tie ($85.00). Regards, Pat Bateman
CommentsHey I was in the hood!I am a guy! I am a retard! You hate me! give me an e-mail!MAN!
CommentsHey! I love your webpage!
CommentsHi DeeDee I liked your website, it is very colorful and pretty. Well, I'm looking for a penpal. I'm a 13 year old girl and I attend Warfield Middle School, in Eastern Kentucky. I have short blonde hair and blue eyes. Well, I gotta go! Shea P.S. I like the flower that you use on your website.
CommentsWell hi, DeeDee, i'm from holland and looking for the cartoon-figure deedee from dexters Lab, i ended up on your site. It's really a most delitefull site!!! May i say you're a beautifull woman. If you ever have the time, please look at the homepage of our band, it's seventies disco from holland. You cab find us at WWW.glitterballexpress.com . And ofcourse u can leave your comments in our guestbook. Greetings Remko
CommentsHi deedee, my friends call me toro too. I have a sister named Arby but she isnt as cute as your rabbit. if you ever go to oxnard we can hang out.
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I accidentally came to ur website because me and some friends were looking for dee dee u know dexter's laboratory? well his older sister is called dee dee 2. but now i like your web site and i want to ask u how u got it. haylee
Commentshi, i like your picture and r arby & bun or r there your dogs? well, i love 2 go 2 your website 'cause i always go there when i wake up!!! well, i hope u wright 2 me bye :D
CommentsThis is such a cute website and u seem real friendly :) just wanted to say that u did a good job.. it's real pretty :) say hello to jason for me... ;)
CommentsWhy did you have to go and steal my name? my name is Dee Dee too. You don't even look like a Dee Dee. You look more like a....,I don't even know. well, anyways cool website.
Commentsyou are fine
Commentshi, r u chinese? i am. i wuz dinking, maybee we kan be fwends? well, i am 10 yrs old, but i can talk to u online.i dunno wut u dink...so rite bakk to me!
Commentshi.. i like your wesite...visite my web too: athttp:// grace1.itgo.com
CommentsHi DEE DEE! I just kinda found this site goofing off after school:) I am twenty years old and live in Alabama. Your boyfriend, Jason, is very cute!!! (I also have a boyfriend named Jason.) Well, anyway... Lovin' the Arby and Bun pics. (SOOOO CUTE!) Great Site! Em;)
CommentsHi I typed in deedee.com assuming that nothing wud come up but it did! great site you've done a good job! Have a nice life! x x ps- I love your dog Arby he is sooo cute! !
CommentsHey Dee Dee- I was looking for Dee Dee from Dexters Lab!
Commentshello i would
CommentsHiya just ignore those comments b4 my little sister was playing up..........I typred www.deedee.com because thats my nickname and I didn't expect anything 2 come up!! Ure site's really cool luv ya lotz like vodka shots xxx Andrea xxx
Commentsnice name. Thats my nickname, so you must be a cool chick!
CommentsI like your site. Good job!
CommentsWow. I happen to type in DeeDee.com for the heck of it as well. But I have to say DeeDee You have done an awsome job here. I am just getting into the Web Design business and I have to say Girl you Rock! This feels strange just writing to a compleate stranger. But I think that when some one does a good thing it should be spoken for. So once again I have to say that you did an awsome job here. And may all your dreams come true!
CommentsHello DeeDee, How r u ? Anyway i was typing in deedee.com to see if a such thing exsited which i kinda thought did.Anyway I haven't really saw all of your website yet,but I think it will be okay! Anyway I have a comment on Nikki she wrote in I think her message was digusting and I hope you don't answer yes.And i'm surprised all these people have the same name as me! Thank you, Dee Dee
CommentsHello my name is Dee Dee to. I found this website on lunchtime because i was bored at school. I am 15 and live in Kent in England and you are the first person whoI have found to have the same name as me and spelt in the same way. Your website is very pretty and i like it alot. Dee Dee
CommentsHey! It is aaron and u have a really cool website!
CommentsI dont know you, i was mesing around on the internet, and typed in deedee.com and your page came up so i guess HI HOW ARE YOU, AND GOOD BYE!!!!!
Commentshi deedee i'm also a deedee
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I came upon your website cause' I was wonderin' whether the domain dee dee was used already..cause' we've got a dog named dee dee.. and we thought it would be an awesome domain name.I don't mean to be rude..Sorries..but that's my dog's name..and well since you took it.and having stumbled upon ur page, I decided to take a peek and i have to say..you've got a great site! And you're such a pretty lady. :) I was wonderin' whether you could be "my lady of advice." heeh.. Well, I hope to hear from you. Bubye. Cassandra Hale from Singapore.
CommentsGreetings from Jaap out of Barneveld (Holland) I've enjoyed your website!
CommentsI like your picture alot and pets I live in Ripley MISSISSIPPI. Where do you live. write back.
CommentsHey Dee Dee! I think your web page is awesome! Anyways how I discoverd your page is I wondered what would come up if I typed my name in the web address thingy and so I did and your site popped up I was like wow this is so cool. Some one has the same name as me and has a totally cool web page. I think you're really pretty and I really love your web page. i hope to have my own personal web page up and running some time or anothe. I am a really busy highschool student with a lot of thngs on my mind and it doesn't include school. Well g2g check yah laters bye
Commentswell... really I came to this page by a little mistake in an addres that I was looking for... but I am wondered of this site, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations! this is really a great personal site, friendly, nice, with everything necessary to make feel good to it´s visitors :o) congratulations again, oops, my name is Alex, I´m from colima, mexico and my english is soooo bad, hehehe
CommentsYour website is great! I just put your address in there just to see what came up. My best friends name is Dee Dee that is why. I am not that boring. Anyway, really cool!
CommentsYou are so frenidly to me and you are my best Frenidly
Commentsany actors or actresses go to los around 1988 or 1989 i went their about that time but i didnt graduate so i was just wondering
CommentsDeeDee, i talked to you a few days ago. i am 14 years old but i am really excited to meet you! i am experimenting with my sexuality so if you don't mind, i would love to experiment with you! luv, nikki
CommentsDD, Just looked at the pics one more time. it brings a smile to my face everytime i look at those pics. thanks!
CommentsI love your site, keep up the great pictures!
CommentsI love your site, keep up the great pictures!
CommentsGreat webpage!
CommentsHowdy, y'all and dee dee you have a niiiiiiiicccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeee website! It is so neato! Maybe if u come 2 Texas you can visit me!
CommentsYou are so cool, DeeDee!!!
CommentsHi! Great site. I have a friend.Her nick is Dee Dee, she's great. I will show her your site, cause it's cool. So bey Dee Dee Valec (from Slovakia)
CommentsDear Dee Dee, I forgot one very important thing! Where can I get such a cool e-mail address like yours? I'm eager to know!
CommentsHi~ Dee Dee This is Dee Dee from Taiwan. I have my homepage too, and I like yours a lot! Please visit mine! http://stmail.fju.edu.tw/~a8620025
CommentsWhat a swell page! My stuffed walrus at http://www.picturetrail.com/allison5000 thinks so too.
Commentshi deedee this is deedee!kool website...bye deedee.
Commentshow you doin you are sssssooooo hot i want to touch your hinny.so what's your email address is water_rat70@hotmail.com. so i'm 18 and i'm available for a little bit of your lovin.so give me an email and we can get jiggy with it.
Commentswhy u called deedee heyyy i'm from indonesia...i like u're home page
Commentshey! this is kinda funny for me, but you probably won't think so. my fiance's son, cameron, has this thing he says, "dee dee in a pah". we have nooo idea what it means, so we're calling various things dee dee's. so, i just thought, hey, i'll check www.deedee.com just to see what happens. so here i am. just wanted to share.
Commentshey.... sorry I came to your site... I was just putting random names in and I got here... very cool page... I must admit that... How old r u? I am only 14... but I wanna be a busness person as well! ok...g2g...bye! nicole
Commentsvery cute. how can i make a web page like yours?
Commentswhy our u called dee dee?because someone in dexter labtety thei is a girl called deedee
CommentsHi My MOms name is DeeDee well its LEla but also DeeDee!cool WOW whatever bye love, Brittany
CommentsGreat page! I really like it.I was just typing in things and I came across this page! Really cool! I bet you didn`t know there was a peefree.com! well,there is! Bye now! P.s. My great-grandson is named Dee Dee too!
CommentsHi- I wish I cold make a website like this! I am totally computer illiterate. Anyway, I have one recomendation 4 you. You should change the little yellow squres to something more "interesting". Otherwise, keep it up!
CommentsA lot of people must visit your web site everyday because 25 minutes after I submited in your guestbook I looked on your page again and 2 other people had already submited in it! I just think that's a real acomploshment. keep up the good work!
Commentshi. my boyfriend's name is deedee! Is it possible to get an email acount here? Please answer I'm from Germany Greetings, Lilly
CommentsHey! I really liked your web page it was really kewl! e-mail me sometime... I also have a web page that you can view if you would like to. Oh yah? Have you and Jason thought about having any kids? Well hope to talk to you soon!! -Dee Dee
Commentshey you have a great website!
CommentsDexter's lab must be very popular because everyone is looking for his sister!
CommentsHey, I am from Vancouver Washington and my name is DeeDee also. I'm at school right now and I thought I would just type in deedee.com to see if there was one. And there was so her I am sayin hey, Well I guess I will finish babbling now Bye
CommentsHi, don't mean to intruse on a personal site,accidentally found your web site it is really refreshing. My name is DeeDee so now you know how I stumbled on your page. Thank you for allowing me to bowse and also to sign your guestbook.
Commentsmy name is Geoff I wish it was dee dee than i would be hot l;ike you my friends name is Russ he wishes his name was dee dee after Dexters lab or somhing anyways I love the sight. your husbands ugly youre hot way to aim low
CommentsArby and Bun look like thay've been run over twice
CommentsHEY DEEDEE!! I have been to Thailand, have you been there? I have a beautiful fish named deedee so i thought i would email you plus i wanted to know if you had been to Thailand. Peace Out!! Mara Marie
Commentsmi friends name is deedee too!!
Commentshey my name is dee dee too
CommentsHi! My friend has a fish named Dee Dee so i just looked it up. Later and Peace out! (MAra's words)
CommentsMy name is DeeDee! Let's be friends. I think you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. E-mail me and I will write back
CommentsDeeDee You are HOT chick....man..the things that I would want to do with you!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Just kidding, I just saw what others wrote, hee hee. Nice website, I hope that my pixs that I just took will be good enough to be put on your site!!! And to all the other men out there: You all are too late, she's taken!!!! Sorry man!! HAHAHHAAHHAHA
CommentsHELLO MISS... i DIDNT NOW YOU WERE A GIRL.......you are very pretty.
CommentsHello mr. I´m from Sweden, my code name is ricco. But my real name is Rickard.I didnt now anything about this website....How old are you? Whats your name? Write back!
Commentshello, i'm albert!!!!
Commentsi came here to see Dee Dee from Dexter's lab. where is my lover Dee Dee...=(
Commentsi think i like dee-dee from 'dexter's lab' better...
CommentsDee Dee, You're not Dee Dee Ramone, but I would just like to say that this website is very well done. Congradulations, salutations, and good luck to you and yours. And may the god's of infinite wisdom smile upon you, and may your obvious talents carry you on the pathway to your dreams- and may happiness and love embrace you forever and ever. Tom Verlaine
CommentsI just randomly wound up at your website trying to get to a website about deedee from Dexter's Laboratory, the cartoon show. Sorry if I'm bothering you. If you want to email me, feel free.
CommentsWould any deedee from Europe like to email me? i could use a penpal and would like to learn about another culture. I am First Nation from Canada.
CommentsI enjoyed reading all the email from the deedees out there. I will visit again. Great website.
CommentsHi my name is Deedee to i just want to say nice web sit like how the name deedee is shinning.
CommentsHi DeeDee, This is DeeDee Lasprogata writing you. Thank you for putting a link to my site deedeedot.com Recently I had an articpublishe about my work with the Blind and I was wondering if you have been getting any e-mail to me? Would you e-mail me at denise@kobliner.com Thank you, DeeDee
Commentsi think this is so cute!! :) i wish that i would have thought of something like that. but i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed your web-site and i think that its really cute and all. (by the way, jason, which im assuming is your boyfriend, is really cute!!) Catie
CommentsHi dee dee, Im sorry i came to you that way i didn't think about how you feel about your name. Im not 27 iam 16 years old that go to Ruskin can you tell me how you got stated if you dont care if i know well i got to go cool ass friend i dont have e-mail but im about to get it love alway Deangela DeeDee
CommentsIm not trying to be mean but i dont like you having my name. Iam a 27 year old doctor, you dont need to know what school i went to.I think you need to get your stuff off here you and them other deedee's and if you was a real dee dee you would know how Dee*Dee is spelled trick
CommentsThis site is off the hook. The guest book is by far my favorite part. Why didn't somebody tell me to quit showing my boob?
Commentshey dweeb..nice pics..especially the ones from vegas..good job..late
CommentsI saw your URL in bianca's, which means you are a very cool person, as well as being absolutely edible, and I think you might want to see my own efforts in web page design. It is not simple to keep up with the DOM upgrade in javascript, eh? Let me know if you have a way to improved those menus. And please please leave a message in the forum http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/meltingpot/back/340/
Commentsi really think your homepage is ugly and you arent Deedee. write me back and tell me what you think about my opinion. i love deedee
Commentshi my name is deedee to i am 10-years-old got togo
Commentshey i just found this website cuz its my girlfriends name and i had nothin better to do but cool website even tho i dont know who ya are lol well cool see ya
CommentsNice site! I really enjoyed the pictures.
Commentsmy friend (who is also named deedee) was saying how deedee.com was taken. so i thought....what the hey, ill come visit ahhaha i like your page! its really cute
CommentsSo, there is such a DeeDee.com and I am glad it belongs to a Chinese. It makes sense... Good layout and good design over here. Looks a bit of commercial taste though. Good luck and happy new year ,,,
CommentsNice page, seems like it's new...but I like it, very cute!
CommentsI was trying to reach my cousin e-mail but I clicked into yours.I am new to this hold internet.But any way I wish you much more happiness to your futrue to come. May god bless you as well as you family.
CommentsWOW I had no idea how many DeeDee's there where, what's up all u DD's. Nice site, if your ever single call me up =] -WeZ-
Commentsthis is the 3rd time i am ritin'... and i like ur website very much :)
CommentsHi DD.... I just had to see who has my website...(smile).... Since it such a nice website.... I'll let you keep it...(smile). Seriously, keep up the excellent job.... I love it.... I may need to contact you for some skills for my own website..... Blessings to you, The Original Dee Dee
Commentsi love you hiar and i have friend named deedee murphy
CommentsYou have the same name as me.
CommentsYou can tell me where is Dexter, I don't find it in their laboratory. Greetings.
CommentsMr. Busta_smurf Hiya DeeDee happy bday! and i like your website...could you update the pictures though =P -all the best, James
Commentsyour hp so cool and you are beautiful
CommentsI was looking to see if there was a website with my name just for curiousity. Sorry if I have bothered you. DeeDee
Commentshai deedee my nickname is deedee so I went to deedee.com to see what was there, and this is it so I write something in your guestbook. Where do you come from? I'm from Holland. You can send me a mail, if you want to? deedee_locks@hotmail.com. Maybe we can chat whit eachother well, I'll hope to hear something from you. I'm sorry but my English is not very well. bye deborah ( deedee )
Commentsmy name is deedee too, i kant spell, i just typed in my nickname "DD" (short for Dee Dee) and got your site, i have a rabbit named rabbitrabbit, i once new an asian girl but lost contact so i am glad i found your site....... by the way, wanna see some openhouse pics
CommentsHi Ms. DeeDee, Just want to say hi to you . Your name is also my nickname, too. Take care. DeeDee
CommentsI wonder! I've lost my way to your home page by accident! However, I like your homepage. I'm studying in Taiwan now. Bye Lerto Lung
CommentsI just entered my name and you came up.
CommentsHi Deedee! You don't know me, but I have visited your site and I think you are so cool! My family adopted an Oriental girl, and she is now my big sister. I love her so much. I hope everything goes well for you, and thanks for being a cool role model and an ispiration! You don't have to e-mail me back if you don't want to, but I wouldn't mind. Thanks! JA. Liamson
CommentsHey Dee Dee, last time i signed your guestbook i forgot to put what a nice web site you have. sorry!! sweet designs :)
CommentsNice website. Just stumbled upon it since I was looking for another DeeDee. Anyway, I love your picture of Bun. I have 2 bunnies also so I guess that justifies me liking Bun. =) Take Care
Commentsi love dee dee.
CommentsJust wanted to wish you both a happy New Years!!! I think we need a special link to the "engagement room" or "wedding plans page". You and Jas are the best...love you lots
CommentsHey Dee Dee Moe, I love your name.! It is a excellent name. I mean it totally reeks of awesomness. Unlike the Road Dogg. If you get my drift! HA HA!!! My real name is harry testicle girl. But my friends call me harrypairoftestes. I have appeared on the Howard Stern show 7 times! He asked me to take off my clothes for 10 dollars, and of course how could i pass up such a good deal, RIGHT!!!! Well just e mail me back, maybe we could hook up sometime, I just hope you aren't a cop! Love, Dee Dee "Harry testes" Mullins
Commentsis jason you boyfrind if so i think hes vire lucking you are vare pritty
CommentsHello. I came here because my nickname is Dee but congradulations on graduatining from LA !!!
Commentsi love ur web site i wich u and jason tha best of luck merry x-mas and happy new great pics!
Commentshey dd!! i am riting again... how r u doing...? mail back please...hey everybody email me please.... bye like ur web...
CommentsYou guys sure are zany!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CommentsThis is realy a wonderful site for me
Commentsi love you so much.it's a nice web site .dee dee please mail me back
Commentshi were your friends
CommentsI like your name! My name is Deede too! But it's spelled differently. Your page is vey pretty? So, What's your nationality? I'm Chinese. Well, ttfn.
Commentsyou'v a great web site . I'd like to be one of your friends. Do you agree?????????????? mail me back.
Commentsi like ur web site mucho.please give me detals about u ....i am from india ,mumbai. what is dexter doing???:):):) well mail back pleas....bye, take care 15\m\india
CommentsDeedee, My aunts name is Deedee too, so i put her name in just like very other bord loser here and .com and this is what i got too. Isn't it sad that all of us either came here looking for dexters lab, or by accident.
CommentsHi, My Friends name is Dee Dee and I was messing around on the net and I typed in deedee.com and here's your web site, it looks very cool, I e-mailed my friend Dee Dee to tell her to look at it, I used to Live in southern California I was born in foutain Valley Hospital, I grew up in Sun City, well a little place called Menifee Valley, I can't keep away from the Valley,:-) Haha Well anyway, I live in North Dakota now, this is where my dad grew up and he wanted me to come here, and I did, *very small* :-) Well anywho..... I don't want to take up your time, I just thought I would write to you and tell you your web site looks very cool, girlie and all.... hehe :-) maybe we could talk some time my husband does web site too, and we have a web site. Thanks Shawtee
CommentsGREAT JOB 2D!!! I like it a great deal. You did a fabulous job. One suggestion, maybe you can add upcoming events such as your wedding, birthday party, etc. :-) I love all your pictures. You look soooo beautiful. I hope we will see each other more often.
CommentsHi Dee Dee I too, am Dee Dee. Actually my husband was fooling around on the net and came across your site. I graduated from Central Washington University with a bachelors of science degree in Sociology. Now I am working on a masters in Counseling. I thought your educational background was really interesting and I thought I'd share mine with you. Have a great day. Dee Dee
CommentsI love your website and all the photos. Keep going girl. U doing great. Say hi to u'r family. love lina
CommentsHello Dee Dee! well like all the other Dee Dee's I'm just a passer-by. But hey!! I may be different cuz I'm a male Dee Dee(real name too) and I'm from Thailand. I don't think there many Dee Dee's from Thailand, do u? anyway great site!!
CommentsDee Dee your web site is so nice.
CommentsUm ya....well i stumbled upon your site by complete accident. i was looking up websites for that cartoon "dextor's laboratory" and while searching i found you site titled "DeeDee's Page" thinking it belonged to a fan of Dextor's (he's the main character,its on cartoon network) sister DeeDee. Oh well, nice site by the way and GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CommentsI love your web site keep up the goooooood work. Love, (Dee Dee)
CommentsI think your hot! Email me.
Commentshi im actually not one of your friends or anyone who knows you i just happened to have stumble on your site.im from harrogate which is in yorkshire england, nice site , bye
Commentsgreetings from a dude from holland
CommentsThought I'd say hello,My name is DeeDee too and being board out of my skull I decided to put deedee.com in location and here I am.you did a great job on your site,I play with websites too but I use templates,good job D
Commentsi love your wed site it so rocks because i was bored and so i typed in my name w/.com and it showed me this. it is cool to see some 1 to have the same name as me. and as i was reading this isaw lots of girls (people) had the same name as me. ROCK ON!
Commentshow did you get satrd to make your oun website
CommentsNice site. Bumped onto it when searching for a computer firm named Dee Dee Computers here in Kenya. I also love web sites building and will be happy to discuss issues of this nature (Web Design and Design tools) Pls contact me for more chats.
CommentsHey well you're one of the few people who spells Dee~Dee the same way I do. Listen to the song Whatever DiDi wants by NOFX. They wrote it for me but spelled it wrong. Luv ~Always, DeeDee
CommentsMy name is DeeDee too~! OK, just kidding. Great pics, thx for putting them up. See u soon! -Denise
Commentsi think it's great what u have done here.....congratulations!!!!!didi
Commentshow dare you steal my name! Just kiding you're cool cuz you have my name!
Commentsgood luck with your family @ect.
CommentsHi i was just poking around and typed in my name and found that you have the same name as me, that is SOOOOO KOOOL!!! Just wanted to tell ya bye bye...DeeDee
Commentshi Deedee, my name is Deedee, thats pretty cool! :-) I've never met anyone w/ the same name, thats sooooo cool, well i g2g, so ill c u later! cool site, it looks like mine!!!
CommentsHey DeeDee, I'm the guitarplayer in a band called "DeeDee's Lab" cause our singer's nickname is .....you'll never guess.... yep, DeeDee. Music is to be found on www.companyfaces.com/deedeeslab, temporarily only MP3. Have fun with your site and life, greetings Jerry
Commentscool page. my name is deedee too. or at least that's my nickname. i live in hawaii. anyways cool page.
CommentsHey Deedee... I was looking for a site about Dexters Lab and his sister Deedee :))) Where is she? .. Nice page and best wishes!
CommentsHi, I have the same name as you. My nickname is D2. Would you like to be pen pals? I am 27 years old, and I think Jason's Brother is a hottie. Write back! xoxoxoxox
CommentsHey, this is a CUTE site! Very very well done. Love it to pieces! I LOVE YOUR BUNNY RABBIT!!! ::hugs the floppy eared bunny::
CommentsCool page!
CommentsYou are the best you are cool.I wish you was my sister. deedee you are pertty
CommentsHey Waddup! u kno what's so ironic........mai name ish DeeDee too except its deedee ho..........I'm asian and everything too just dat i'm only 13...... well nize payge g2g now bai
Commentshello.......my name is dee dee too! kewl huh? Nice page and everything. Well I just wanted to say hi, Now I g2g deedee
Commentsi really like your site
Commentshi, how are you my name is ronald from indonesia
Commentsmy name is DeeDee too!
Commentsi'm called Deedee off Dexter's lab!
CommentsI hate my name cause pepole call me febe,deedle,and all kinds of names like that!
CommentsHey I swear my name is Deedee too! That's just my nick name thhough! My real name is Desiree. I'm 10 years old and live in hawaii!
Commentshi my name is deedee. so did any one make fun of your name. i hate my name. your brother is cute i get out of high school in the 2001 to tell him i said hi cause he is cute
CommentsWhat a name!?!? It rocks, and so does your page!
Commentshi my name is isabel. i have a friend nameed deedee.
CommentsDeeDee, Got your email address from Michelle. I browsed through the page (hope you don't mind) and thought is was very heart warming and personal. Beautiful Job. Truc
CommentsHello DeeDee: I was just playing with names on the net and typed in your name and was fascinated by how creative and professional your personal website is. Could you teach me how to develop my own website like yours? Is it expensive to a website like this? Please help me have my own. I am a disabled, afroamerican minister in NY. What a combination, huh? lol! Here is all of my information in order to contact me: Minister Don F. Lett, Jr. P.O. Box #3 New Rochelle, NY 10801-3336 Ph:(914)633-7630 Fax:(914)633-5066 E-mail:DaPreachin1@aol.com Oh yeah, this is also a pretty exciting time in my life because I'm getting married on Dec. 2nd, 2000 @12:noon in Stamford, Conn. Hoping to hear from you soon. God Bless!
Commentsmy name is DeeDee!!!!!!!!!!!!
CommentsMy name is Danielle and all my friends call me DeeDee. I am 15 years old. I live in Nebraska. I go to Randolph High School. Email me anytime. Ta
CommentsI Loved your webpage. You did a wonderful job puting this together. Keep smiling and have wonderful, Happy, Healthy Holidays. My Friends call me Dee or Dee Dee, Real name is Delores
CommentsHey, I was wondering if you could help me out on some info regarding the web design industry??? I'm looking into this carrer and I would like to know if it's worth it (financially?)?? If u have time let me know, please? Thanx and Good luck in the future, looks like ur a wonderful person, keep up the good hard work!! Bye, Dee2
Commentshi i went to this site cause my aunts name is deedee thats kool well bye
CommentsLooking to register your name and whoops, it's taken (go figure). Saw that you were from Fountain Valley, took an interest (I'm from irvine) and ended up here. Nifty little shadow design with the flower... I need to incorporate something like that some day into one of my sites. Well... I'm all done.
CommentsI want the ultimate cheeseburger! $1.99 for a limited time, cheese, meat, cheese, cheese, meat! We got your web address from a comment card. And yes, Jason and Kevin do look like they have potential to be Meaty Cheesy boys. If contract negotiations between C.J. and the other T.J., we will be in further contact with you
Commentswhat are you doing today...well my mum was at the docters and when my brother has his oparathon they hade to first brack his arm and put pins in it. do you want me to tell you how his arm brock?ok it all hapend at school he was playing around toys until the techer calld and said come cwick and my dad said why and she said lucas has follen of the swings and he went to the bride and my mum and dad whent crazy and wild so they came cwick and they said weres lucas and she said his gone with the nerse and my mum whent to see how he was going and my mum sleped over yesterday and in the morning he whent to the theirita and when he whent lucas was screming and my mum was criying when they got there they gave him a sleping nedleand they brock his arm and they did what they hade to do then he is coming home.thats all I have to say. ta ta so much love michaela xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooo
Commentshey we have the same name and how did you set up this website. um...do you play any sports. I play soccer. a little about me. iam a girl,black,16,and love to party and play soccer
CommentsThanks youve helped me overcome my fear of snakes
CommentsJust sayin hi
CommentsAwesome life.
Commentshi my nane is deedee to bye didi
Commentsgreat site who did it? you
CommentsThought about Dextor's laboratory and so his sister's name pops up in my mind. Nice website. You're doing better than your brother. I'm in Singapore.
CommentsJust typed in my nickname and there you were. Liked your site you did all of us Dee Dee's right. Keep up the good work. DeeDee
CommentsHmmmmmmmm! Yet another DeeDee on the face of the EARTH!! Pha!
Commentsdear deedee moe I like your pets arby and bun they are cute names for your pets. I am in 5th grade. I had two dogs but 1 died I have 1 dog now Well I well talk to you.Bye
Commentsi just wanted to tell you that your website is magnificent!!( ithink i spelled it right )
CommentsHi Deedee!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU? I haven't heard from you for ages!!! I don't know if you remember me, but we met at Michael's party Anyway, I'm now a research assistant at Georgetown University Law Center and am soon going to get married! I can't believe it myself yet! Let me know how you're doing! Barbara.
CommentsHi, I was watching A&E Mysteries. They featured a show called Cracker and deedee.com was featured. I figured I would type in the domain to see what popped up. You're famous. Take care,
CommentsHi Dee! I've found this site by accident, I just typed in deedee.com and there it was. Anyway I want to tell you that this is the 1st (really!) non-boring homepage I've ever seen. Anyway even if I'm from the Netherlands and just 14 years old, your site kicks ass, it's really interesting. But eh, I've gotta go, so See ya!!!!!!!!!
CommentsHey Dee, I really like ur website! i think it is awesome! Congrats, It looks like u are making a great life for ur self! So u live in cali? if so that is awesome! I live on Martha's vineyard, MA! Well I just felt like wrtiing a lil note to u! Just to say hello! Well ttyl
CommentsNice web site.
CommentsDee Dee Moe, Elizabeth Mercado gave me your web site address and I thought I'd send you a note. Remember me? Gina (Virginia) Ramirez, Utria is my married name. I went to Fitz and Los. I moved in the middle of our Sophmore year and have been out of touch with the Los Amigos crowd since... Looks like you're doing great! Good for you and congrats.
CommentsHI MY name is DEE I like Your pets.Bye
CommentsI like your two pets Arby and bun. They are so ctue
CommentsYour web is super. I never see nothing nicer than yours. If you`d like write me email you can. Bye Tina.
Commentsi like your wedside.
CommentsSorry about my spelling on the next one.Corection-COOL
CommentsNumro one hundred!!! yeh I am also a Deedee who was surfing and typed in her name. Col stuff!!!
Commentsdropped in on a random search...nice website !!!!
CommentsHi! Your site is really nice.I just looked for new sites and i type www.deedee.com ..... Great work I love your site. You can visit mine at http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/Street/4177/puffi.html
CommentsNi hau ma? Loved your site. Dave from Utah
CommentsI wanted to know can be your man
Commentshello Dee Dee, all the best from scotland,
Commentsyour website is real neat. I was just browsing websites and i put in my sisters name which it dee dee and there you were!!
Commentshi, nice
CommentsHey, Dee Dee My name is also Dee Dee and I was doing a little web surfing and come across your site. I was looking over your guestbook & I see that you get lots of views from woman named Dee Dee.:-) Anywho, love your website.
CommentsHello! I saw your site when I was playing around online and its very nice! I'm an actress and I'm also a realitive of John Travolta . I truly love this website, good work! Blue Skies!
CommentsHi Dee Dee, I had received a questionier from Tammy and I had noticed she had said she was on the web site so I thought I would check it out. I like it. Its so cute. I will be working on my home page soon and would not mind a few tips! I liked your style you used.... Keep up the cute ideas... :) Suzzy
CommentsHi DeeDee I stumbled onto your site by accident, but I must say that your site is cool, and you are one foxy lady. Keep up the good work, and if I ever need help starting my own web site I think I'll contact you. Have a great day, by by now. William Pierson
Commentsi was foolin around typing in random words and ended up here. Great design i must say! good luck to you!
Commentslike your homepage alot i really like the pics and all the flowers!¤
CommentsHi Deedee, I love your web site. I happened on it quite by accident. It is quite pleasing and welcoming. All the best to you and yours. I am an attorney living in St Lucia in the Caribbean. |