Melissa & Jon's Wedding - 4/15/00

Cindy, Kevin, Vanessa, Steve, Brian, Me, Jason & Kristen

Damon, Steve, Brian, Kevin, Jason & Anthony.

Kevin with his pitcher

Tammy, Me & Damon   
Kevin at the end of the night.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pics of Kev humping a tree, then a parking meter and finally the windshield & back of a white truck.  Nor did we get a picture of him falling off the hood and getting a nasty gash on his chin (which Dr. Roberts diagnosed as "worthy of stitches") - we do have it all on video though.  Here he is at the end of the night with his wife beater, gold chain and blood all over his shirt; and he wonders why Cindy didn't want to go back and "snuggle" with him....looking good Kevin!! 


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